Black Cadillacs EP
I became friends with a few of the guys while we were in school at UT. Well things have changed drastically for all of us, but it is amazing that even out of school we are all persuing a career based on our creative paths. The album released on 2/24/15 and was possible in thanks to RedBull Sound Select.
The Black Cadillacs
redbull soundselect
boxwood brake
So, as of Feburary 2015 my girlfriend Darbi Henley started her brand: boxwood brake (and yes it pains me to not capitalize that). It is a vision she had for handmade goods. She makes things like jewelry, perfumes, bathsalts, and clothing.
Animal illustrations for PEEC
My buddy Jonathan Creel, the Director of Interpretation at the Pajarito Environmental Education Center, asked if I would be interested in some illustrations of some local wildlife. The PEEC is in Los Alamos, New Mexico. It's truely a unique and out of body feeling when I consider my work has reached so far.
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